There Are 8 Blessings On The Ground For You To Stop Your Accusers

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There Are 8 Blessings On The Ground For You To Stop Your Accusers

There Are 8 Blessings On The Ground For You To Stop Your Accusers

It is time to receive your eight blessings that are on the ground waiting for you. 


Are there moments in your life when you feel like the enemy has you completely caged inside? You may have endured spiteful accusations because the enemy wants to discredit the glory of the Lord that is placed on your life! God says, 




Hallelujah! Just like the woman accused of adultery in John chapter 8, the Lord is REWRITING YOUR FUTURE on the ground of your life. It’s going to cause the stones that are in the hands of your accusers to crumble in defeat! Glory, hallelujah! 


It seems like for the past 4 to 5 months; you’ve been trying to break loose from every financial trap and bondage that the enemy has tried to tie you up with. There have even been some altercations with friends and family members who owe you! Quite frankly, the enemy has been working your last nerve, and it is causing you to experience emotional fatigue!


But wait, there’s more… 


The Spirit of jealousy has also been lurking in your midst. It is because some people hate to witness the glory of the Lord that’s upon your life. 


God is getting ready to do something spectacular in your life. The WRITING of your blessings shall be made clear on the ground of your life! The enemy is trying to write you out of here. But, God is writing you into the joy of His glory! 


There are 8 BLESSINGS on the ground for you that are also assigned to defeat your accusers in this season! 


To refresh your joy in the Lord, your 8 BLESSINGS are the following:

  1. The KINGDOM of HEAVEN to be renewed in Spirit!
  2. COMFORT in your time of trouble!
  3. INHERITANCE in the earth!
  4. SATISFACTION that will fill you!
  5. MERCY when those around you suffer!
  6. To SEE GOD because of your heart!
  8. The KINGDOM of HEAVEN from persecution!

Your accusers are going to attempt to block every one of your blessings because they want you to believe that you aren’t worthy of it! Remember, God says, THE STONES OF YOUR ACCUSERS SHALL NOT STRIKE THEE!

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