You Are Unstoppable!

Your Free Written Prophecy will Give Direction

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You Are Unstoppable!

You Are Unstoppable!

What can make you unstoppable in this season? You have limited time before you receive your free written prophecy today.

“Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.”
(Ezekiel 37:9)

Your Prophetic word can make you unstoppable

We are connected for a reason. That reason is to bring forth the blessings of God in your life. You are one decision, one prophetic word away from avoiding a catastrophe and stepping into your “Promised Land.” The days of putting off your dreams, your goals and your desires are coming to an end. You are a part of a generation that has chosen to walk closely with Him in this hour.

The next 48 hours are going to amaze you. As soon as you thought things could not get any better, out of nowhere, God shows up with your blessing. You have been chosen by God. When man rejected you, the Holy Spirit was there to remind you that this is your season. Take your mind off of things that do not bring value to your life. Instead, wake up excited about life and all of the possibilities that the day offers.

You have a strong need to be accepted by others, which has caused you from time to time to miss your assignment. The word of the Lord to you is, that spirit is being broken. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you to do great exploits!

You are about to have a visitation from your Prophetic Angel that is going to awaken your mind to the great wealth that is sleeping within you. There is a still small voice within you that keeps echoing that you are a champion and that your best days are around the corner. So, get ready! There is a major download happening from the Holy Spirit that is going to reveal to you the strength of your prophecy. Your Prophetic Angel is going to breathe life into every negative situation that appears in your life and you will see a great turnaround.

The memory of a negative past can become a landing spot for mediocrity. You were born to conquer the enemy and subdue the land. YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE! The Holy Spirit has summoned you. You are walking out of the cave. “Brace yourself, because your confidence is being restored. You are regaining your strength and trust. The cloud of doubt is being replaced with a rainbow of hope, because the storm is over,” says the Spirit of the Living God!

You are being brought out of one of the darkest seasons you have ever experienced and into the marvelous light of His Glory. When you operate from the absolute mind of God, the dreamer comes alive and your imagination becomes unstoppable. God is going to give you a language that is going to cause your enemies to flee. When you stand your ground and refuse to back down, you position yourself to receive every blessing that is coming your way.

For the next four (4) days, when you wake up in the morning, make your bed eight (8) times. God is doing something new in your life. The number 8 signifies new beginnings. After you complete this prophetic cycle, you are qualified to receive the new things God is bringing into your life.


  • Your prophetic word is knocking down the doors of lack. THAT IS THE POWER OF PROPHECY!
  • The little foxes are being chased away from your harvest. THAT IS THE POWER OF PROPHECY!
  • Your faith is increasing and the mountains are being removed from your life. THAT IS THE POWER OF PROPHECY!



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