THE FATHER DOES NOT WANT YOU TO WORRY IN THIS SEASON! The enemy may be trying to confuse you with thoughts that you don’t have what it takes to make it through this tough economic crisis. But this is only trap from the enemy! Yes, I said a trap to keep you focused on the problem, while God is bringing you RELIEF in the midst of the storm. Do not trust anything that the enemy is whispering in your ear, because he will show you the facts of your surroundings hoping that you will get discouraged and quit.
But I hear God saying, “the season is approaching quickly where My people are going to finally walk in the knowledge of who they really are. This season is going to bring great joy and excitement. However, it is going to be a season of the cutting away, a cutting away of bad relationships, bad thoughts, bad ideologies, bad decisions, false belief systems and limited mobility. Do not be dismayed when you see things being stripped away from you. Know that it is I, the Lord your God, stripping away the excess, unnecessary junk in your life so that you can tap into the My POWER WITHIN YOU and finally walk in the prosperity that I have ordained for you!” Take your eyes off of what it looks like right now and know that GREATER IS COMING! IT’S ONLY A TEST!
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:23)