The Power of Prophecy Uncovers Your Skills

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The Power of Prophecy Uncovers Your Skills

The Power of Prophecy Uncovers Your Skills

Children have an amazing imagination. When you ask them what they want when they grow up, they know no limitations. They either tell you they want to be an astronaut, a pilot or some superhero. What’s great about children is that they know in their hearts they can be anything they want to be. As we grow older though, our imagination dies and reality sets in. We lost interest in what we thought we could be, because we know that it’s never going to happen.

What is that one thing that you’ve always wanted to do but never got the leisure of trying? Are you happy with your job right now, or do you wish that you could do something you love and get paid for it? Good news, it’s not too late for that.

The power of prophecy uncovers your skills and talents that you can use for God’s glory. God is looking for dreamers, people with big imaginations. When your prophecy is revealed to you, you are then able to fulfill the will of God. He will give you everything you will ever need in order to turn your dreams into reality. The prophet will speak of nothing but God’s truth, and you will find out that you are your own answer.

Discover how the power of prophecy can change your life and turn things around for you with Bishop Jordan. You can finally get to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. It’s time to be the person you’ve dreamt of becoming. See how God speaks to you and be empowered by His (God) word. Receive your Free Written Prophecy by clicking on Get Prophecy.

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