Control Your Fate
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.“
A quotable line from William Ernest Henley, a noted writer for penning the Invictus, which is famous for this phrase that inspired millions of people to take the reigns of their own destiny and control their future.
Indeed, there is a cacophony of voices that tell us what to do, where to go, dictating our every move, that it seems hard to hear our own voice. What do we want for ourselves? We also fail to realize that although we may have grand or small plans, there is a design far greater than we can imagine. The most important voice we should listen to is the voice of the Lord.
Our Father in Heaven loves us so much and tries really hard to reach out to each and every one of His children, but it’s kind of hard to hear Him through all the noise and all the distractions in this world.
Actively seeking spiritual guidance is an attitude that people must focus on developing if they are to gain the necessary attributes needed in order to set their lives right on track. More important than being right on track is being able to find the exact track which God has prepared for you beforehand.
The truth is, no matter how hard we try we can’t do it alone. Great things are accomplished with your hand on the wheel being guided by the Spirit’s moral compass and God blowing on your sails leading you home. With God you can do ALL things.