Harness the Power of God’s Voice: Discover Your Full Potential
You can Harness the Power of God’s Voice through the Power of Prophecy
With honest and thorough introspection, we will realize that there are a lot of things we wish we could do, decisions we think we could have done or accomplishments that we may achieved. We each have our own sets of values, taboos, and even preconceived limitations. This mindset has been established with years of exposure, action, and reaction to various environment and stimuli. We are equipped enough to be successful in a lot, if not all endeavors. But many are trapped in the idea of mediocrity and getting by.
Each person filters the millions of data being absorbed through the senses with their own mental system. It is made up of internal images, sounds, tactile awareness, internal sensations, tastes, and smells that form as result of the neurological filtering process. In an article by Michael Caroll published online for the Neurolinguistic Programming Academy, he called this the first mental map or the First Access.
When we assign personal meaning to the information being received from the world outside, the second mental map is formed by assigning language to the internal images, sounds and feelings, tastes and smells, thus forming everyday conscious awareness. As a result of neurological filtering processes and the subsequent linguistic map, programming takes place. The foundations of our behavior and reasoning lie in this series of events and simultaneous inputs we are getting every second of every day. The question is, is there still hope for change? There is.
In a research paper by Sandra Janicki entitled Neuro-linguistic, Programming: An Initial Introduction to the Wide Field of NLP, she has discussed few strategies in which our behavior can be altered. One of which is called anchoring. This technique is based on the idea that the mind works with various anchors or stimulus that triggers specific reaction or behavior (Janicki, 2010).
Through the power of God’s voice, we can intentionally trace and influence those memories, anchoring them to new stimulus and using them to produce our desired change. For example, if you desire a specific state like happiness, you need to think of a moment where you felt it. If the anchor for that feeling in the past is stuffing yourself up with junk food, by the wisdom of God’s voice, you will be able to associate it with something healthier if that is the behavior change you would like to achieve. Through repetition, a new anchor will be made that will result to the desired state.