Healing and Forgiveness

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Healing and Forgiveness

Healing and Forgiveness

God gave people commandments so that they may have instructions on how to live life best and come back to Him. When people don’t obey these commandments, we sin; and sin is what hurts people.

Even if we feel like we haven’t done anything wrong, oftentimes, we are hurt by the sins of others. That is why there is repentance and forgiveness. It is inevitable that man will make mistakes and that is why we are men and not gods yet. We continue learning and humble ourselves until we learn to be submissive and have the attitude that would make our Heavenly Father proud of His children.

He has provided us with standards, but He also came prepared for us to break those standards. For He knew that it was vital for us to learn and grow through our mistakes. Those mistakes do not define us, but how we deal with them shows a lot about who we are.

We are sons and daughters of a most loving and glorious Creator; and He has given us every chance to have a fresh start. The atonement of Christ from the Garden of Gethsemane to the cross was attained in order for us to not suffer as He did, if we repent.

God loves us so much that He provided the way; and the only way was through His beloved son, Jesus Christ. Through coming unto Him, we will be able to attain healing from all the hurt and pain from the sins we’ve encountered. We will be able to not only forgive others, but ourselves as well.

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