How do you know who to Trust?
The world can be a scary place to navigate. Everyday we learn of new ways people are finding to steal and cheat you from your money and even your heart. This makes it very difficult to know who to trust.
Suspicious Minds
Suspicious minds tend to block out all people even those who have worked very hard to gain our trust. A lack of trust can poison a relationship when a spouse or partner is doing all they can to be honest and trustworthy. It can be the same in friendships and even with family. It is important to free your mind of suspicion and start off a relationship with the belief people can earn your trust. Being suspicious without reason closes your heart to new relationships and can also cause friction in a relationship that should otherwise be strong.
Finding Faith
When you have faith in your own judgement it becomes easier to trust others. You can use your own gut to help you find people in your life you can trust. When you are in doubt but want to trust someone new in your life and learn to regain the trust of someone who has let you down a Bishop Jordan Prophecy can offer insight into the relationship and what direction God wants you to take moving forward.
Avoiding Disappointment
Sometimes a lack of trust stems from disappointment in relationships of the past. It can be things that have happened in your childhood, an old relationship or even someone like a teacher or friend who has let you down terribly. This can make trust even more difficult. When this happens it is important to find ways to regain your faith in people and a Bishop Jordan Prophecy can often help you find the best way to find faith again. The more disappointment you experience in life the less faith you will have that you will find happiness. You will be less willing to take chances including pursuing new friendships and relationships.
Be Smart
Beware of people offering too much and seeming to expect too little. Instead look to the bible for guidance. In all you read you will find that if you trust in God he will be the one who helps you by providing you with straight paths to happiness. Faith will lead you to trust.