Do You Know How Much You Are Minding or Mining God?

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Do You Know How Much You Are Minding or Mining God?

Do You Know How Much You Are Minding or Mining God?

The Lord revealed the fear of money is an awful abnormal and persistent fear that one might mismanage money, lose money, not have enough money or that money might live up to its reputation as “the root of all evil.” Whenever fear infiltrates your peace, you ultimately allow the enemy to suppress your “I AM-ness” and God becomes absent in the presence of your anxiety! That’s because you’re mining or delving into anxiety!


More importantly, your mind begins to wander off into worry and this causes you to deplete your trust in God! The moment your trust in God accumulates depletion is the moment you’re minding otherness because your mind obviously stays on otherness rather than the Lord!


The truth is, your perfect peace has just become your constant concern! The chains can be broken when you understand:

  • What you are MINING (delve) in life is ultimately what you are MINDING in life!
  • You have the power to CHANGE YOUR MINE/MIND!
  • Your perfect peace is connected to the mind you operate in!

Unrest and pain and sorrow are certainly the shadows of life, but the Lord challenges His people to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. That’s because perfect peace can be attained when you become still and know. Are you mining/minding your concerns or are you mining/minding the truth that God shall supply all your need? 




Begin to mind the power of God that is within you, because the Bible boldly declares…


“Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)


Changing what you mind/mine has the extraordinary power to create perfect peace in your relationships, your finances, your health, and your family. What God has for you in this season is going to blow your mind. 


In fact, this is your “CHANGE MY MINE” SEASON. Ignore the enemy, because you can have whatever you’re minding or mining in God.

  • You can MINE more money when you MIND (Deut. 8:18).
  • You can MINE more love when you MIND (Mark 12:30-31).
  • You can MINE more health when you MIND (Jeremiah 30:17).
  • You can MINE more property when you MIND (Psalm 8:6).

Because the Bible says,


“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26:3)

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