Surpassing Love of God

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Surpassing Love of God

Surpassing Love of God

The world is spinning out of control and each of us has turned to his own way as we continue to rebel against our Creator. Yet despite our iniquities, God’s love still surrounds us as he desires all to be saved. God’s love is so far reaching that while we were His enemy, He sent His only Son to die to pay our debt to Him. Why would Jesus want to suffer on the cross for people when he knew that most would reject him? This is a love that defies definition. The depths of our minds cannot contain the understanding required to comprehend the love that God has for us.

We are told that this world and even the highest heavens cannot contain God, yet man is always attempting to define him within the limitations of our own finite understanding. If we truly realized the magnitude of the knowledge of God and how great is his love for us, we would constantly be on our face before him. His holiness would bring us to our knees in utter contempt for our sin. Sadly, the fact is that we have allowed the darkness of this perishing world to occlude the revelation of the truth. But Jesus, the Son of God, gave up the splendor of heaven to come to earth to suffer and die so that we might have eternal life. Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life who gives us freedom from the bondage of sin and death. Christ sacrifice was made as a free gift to all so that none who call upon his name shall perish. The love of Christ invites us to be joint heirs with him in heaven for all eternity. Christ is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto the path of all who are seeking him. Christ has a way out of every storm in our life and His purpose and plan for us cannot be hindered.

Bishop Jordan believe that In all of life’s difficulties, faith is the key to allowing God to work through our problems. God can make a way through impossible situations and there is no tough circumstance that can hold back the promises of a loving God. The one thing we must remember as we endure hardship is that we can never be defeated. Our victory has been paid in full by the blood of Christ. The enemy of our soul knows this and will use lies from the pit of hell to convince us that our situation is hopeless. But God is faithful and will help us to understand that He alone is sufficient for all that we need.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20)

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