The Manifestation Of Your Miracle Requires A Manifestation Of Your Belief!
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” – (2 Corinthians 9:11)
God is doing some amazing manifestation of miracles every single day! Believe in the powerful testimonies from partners to experience and receive the blessings of the Lord. This incredible process has caused the Spirit of prophecy to fall on me in a most mesmerizing way! Thank You, Jesus!
You should begin to believe and have faith and see how the Lord immediately delivers the prayer that you’ve been asking for. Do you remember those times where you had to say “no” to good things to be able to say “yes” to important things? How about the times where you put focus and energy into the things where you wanna be? Those times where you invest your time and energy into getting to your goals but at some point, you feel out of focused and somewhat distracted.
If you notice yourself getting upset and frustrated, you had to find a way to keep a positive mind and let it go. The Lord says this was a good thing, because as you begin to trust the process and started to learn how to be grateful and put your attention to the things that will benefit you instead of wasting your energy on the negative.
Your belief is your ticket to your prophetic destination. To believe is to have a deep sense of trust in the things that cannot be seen yet. Act as if it is already yours and abandon the thought of why’s and how’s. Just surrender and let God guide you to your destination!