The Prophet of God

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The Prophet of God

The Prophet of God

When you encounter the Prophet of God in you life. You must understand the purpose of the Prophet of God.

Sometimes the true prophet of God is known as the invisible prophet. The invisible prophet is prophetic consciousness. While most people focus on the work of the prophet, they fail to realize the prophet is more spirit, than a personality. The invisible prophet is made in the express image of God. God said, “let us make man in our image.” The image of God is a spiritual being. It is a talking spirit. So then, to understand more clearly the whole God-idea about an invisible prophet you must first understand the whole concept of image, and why God felt so strongly about reiterating this word in various parts of the Bible.

thing. It is the visual impression of something that is produced by a reflection from a mirror. So the image of God is a reciprocating reflection so clear that one could not easily tell the difference between the gazer and the one whose image is being reflected. The prophet is the image of God.

The Bible speaks of many different kinds of images. I’ve listed just a few main ones below, so you can get an idea of how important image is to God, and how vital it is for you to always know whose image you should bear.

The bottom line is that you are going to bear somebody’s image in life. You will very well bear one or more of the images listed above. However, you should bear the image of the one who created you, and called you to be who you are.

The image and likeness of God speaks of God’s visible expression, the exact likeness, having a striking appearance of God in manner and thought. You are in the image of God.

You are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

Thus, the prophet is to be found in the brightness of His glory, as the perfect imprint and representation of His Person. God has delegated His grace and authority unto His prophets, an innate ability to maintain, to guide and to propel the people of God by the prophetic word. God is the foundation of all prophets, being made in the similitude of God’s identity. So image is very important. The image you portray is the outgrowth of the knowledge that you have accumulated and it streamlines your thought process. The image you portray determines the thoughts that reside in your mind says. God was against graven images because He already made you in His image and in His likeness.1 So that is the only image that you should bear.

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