The True Gift of Wisdom
A Free Written Prophecy Can give the Give the Gift of Wisdom
According to Neufeld (2005), the gifts of knowledge, wisdom, and prophecy must be applied in the same way as prophecy is applied. We need to always test if the Word came from God, from some other spirit, or from the person’s own agenda. When we recognize that it is from God, we need to follow God’s command and take action based on the information given to us. As recipients of the gift of knowledge, one must recognize the message, the timing, and the person the information needs to be revealed to.
Experience the Power of Prophecy with the Gift of Wisdom
The Holy Spirit gives certain members of the church the ability to speak words of knowledge in order to build up the faith of the Body of Christ. This gift requires immediate action, wherein the receiver of this gift must pronounce the message. The message is intended to be for a specific time and person, by which there should be no delays in addressing the prompting of God.
The chapter discussed this gift to give a person an ability to give a message by which members of the Body of Christ use for that particular time. God uses these people to instruct His people. Thus, the recipients of this gift serve as God’s messenger. They serve as postmen of God, by which their task is simply to deliver the message from the Sender, who is God. The messenger should not abuse the authority given to him through this gift. These people have a huge accountability to God’s people, and more importantly to God.
This is a gift that requires the believer to study God’s Word constantly, in order to recognize God’s voice and to test if the Word if aligned with the Scripture. They must grow more intimate with God. These believers must have love in their hearts for their neighbors. They must do things out of love. Pride, selfishness and self-righteousness are not options for those with this gift. The believer with this gift must have the heart of a servant and a sensitive spirit to God’s movement. The next chapter will describe the gift of wisdom, which is closely related to this equipping gift.
In the worries of this world, believers can get caught up in life. There is a need to cultivate the desire to flow in spiritual gifts. Believers must come humbly to God and pray that God stirs up our hearts over such matters. One must need to be bold and to ask for these gifts, being confident on the salvation and grace that we received in Christ.
Why Bishop Jordan wants to give Prophetic Words with Wisdom?
The Gift of wisdom is one of the numerous gifts, which the Holy Spirit bestows to members of the Church to aid them in the accomplishment of their purposes and functions. But what is wisdom? Wisdom could be defined as the insight into how acquired knowledge could best be utilized in accordance to God’s Will (Understanding and developing your spiritual gifts, 1998). Cameron (2002) elaborates that ‘Wisdom implies a certain judgment in contemplating and consulting divine realities’. The spiritual gift of wisdom then, is not just mere insight but insight directed by and towards God. Leitch (1996) concurs by stating that ‘Wisdom means always acting according to the spirit of the Commandments’.
Seghers (n.d.) state that ‘The gift of wisdom brings peace because all of life, even in its difficulties, is viewed from God’s perspective.’ It is evident from this statement that when one has received the gift of wisdom, he/she is afforded the opportunity to view things and situations from the vantage point of perfection; a position which sees everything as useful, even challenges, failures, and tests. The gift of wisdom according to Segher also leads the mind of a person from dwelling on the many fads that abound in human culture by giving him/her a higher level of understanding of all things; thus rendering the many human assertions on knowledge and wisdom that are not based on a true understanding of God’s Will useless. Eternal truths become the focus of a person’s mind once he/she has received the gift of wisdom.
Leitch (1996) elaborates on the gift of wisdom by stating that true wisdom is not customs; a belief held by various cultures and societies. This means that certain social patterns and structures do not necessarily express true wisdom. He gives women’s status, tyrannical rule, and slavery as examples of this notion.
He also states that true wisdom is more than mere adherence to such rules. Leitch (1996) suggests that true wisdom focuses on the essences and causes behind rules rather than on the rules themselves. It is the spirit of the rules which wisdom perceives and follows, not the specific laws, which have been interpreted and structured by man. Perhaps the only set of laws worth ascribing to are the commandments which God Himself has given to man during the time of Moses.
Wisdom means always acting according to the spirit of the Commandments and not looking for an ambiguity or omission, which we can use to evade their true intent. Wisdom means understanding the consequences of our actions and words before we act or speak. Wisdom means having the knowledge and understanding to recognize the right course of action and having the will and courage to follow it.
Hughnes( n.d) describes true wisdom as that which exists eternally. He believes that absolute truth cannot be fathomed from the natural phenomena that exist around a person for these are limited and temporary. He further elaborates that true wisdom cannot be attained through the physical senses nor is it available to those who have intimate attachments to worldly concerns.
Hughes (n.d.), thus, asserts that true wisdom comes from within a person. He states that:
[…] But only the pure soul in Divine Love of God can experience the Absolute truth.
[…] The internal self-revelation of the Godhead within the human heart is the essence of spiritual enlightenment (n.d., p. 2).
He elaborates further by saying that absolute truth is experienced only by the pure soul. He describes the soul as the most ‘fundamental particle of consciousness’ with same spiritual qualities as those of the Lord’s: unique, conscious, forever in existence, with complete knowledge of all things and has spiritual bliss. To then gain access to true wisdom, based on Hughes words, the individual must relinquish all identification with anything that is finite. One must focus on tapping the eternal that is within him/her. He/she must understand that man is not a physical being with a soul but rather man is soul wrapped by a physical body (Hughes, n.d.). Hughes goes to the point of saying that the root of all man’s woes is his/her attachment to the temporal and limited around him/her. He states that in order to gain wisdom and more, one must accept the assertion that all the physical elements and difficult circumstances surrounding him/her do nothing to diminish the perfection that is his/her nature. Once this notion is fully understood, one would then realize the wisdom and greatness that is God implanted in him/her in the form of her soul.
It could easily be deduced from previous statements that the conventional perception of the concept of wisdom is very different from the spiritual gift of wisdom pertained to in the Scriptures. Hughes elaborates that divine wisdom can only come from absolute truth and that wisdom derived from knowledge of the finite and the temporary (basically the physical environment) is what could be referred to as worldly wisdom. Absolute truth is that which is unlimited, superior, and eternal (Hughes, n.d.). He further describes absolute truth as a state of being and not as an abstraction, theory or word.
De Montfort (2005) meanwhile describes worldly wisdom as that which conforms to the fashions and inclinations of the world and ‘does not come from above.’ This wisdom is the type that does not ostentatiously pursue the gratification of worldly pleasures and self-interest. This type of wisdom typically clothes itself in superficial nobility, justice, truth, and other man- made abstractions (de Montfort, 2005). Hughes elaborates more by stating that divine wisdom cannot be contained in the spoken word or other forms of symbolism formulated by man (n.d.). These words and organizations are mere shadows of the absolute truth for whatever man produces is temporal by nature and will not suffice in expressing the infinite insight that comes only from God.
Worldly wisdom, as de Montfort (2005) describes, is led by man’s physical senses and human logic. Though these tools are important in the completion of God’s will, they alone do not suffice in acquiring the wisdom God requires from His stewards. These tools as well have the tendency to distort truths to accommodate personal interests. Without the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, these tools become directed by the outside world and by society into following their idealizations of what is a peaceful and happy life.